Thanjavur district is in the east coast of Tamil Nadu. The district lies between 78O 45’ and 70O 25′ of the Eastern longitudes and 9O 50′ and 11O 25′ of the Northern Latitudes. The District is bound by Coloroon on the Northwhich separates it from Ariyalur and Tiruchirapalli district; Thiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts on the east; Palk Strait and Pudukottai on the South and Pudukottai and Tiruchirapalli on the West.

The area of the district isn 3396.57Sq.Km. It consists of nine Taluks- Thiruvidaimarudur, Kumbakonam, Papanasam, Pattukottai, Peravurani, Orathanadu, Thanjavur, Thiruvaiyaru and Budalur. The district headquarters is Thanjavur. Thanjavur district is called ‘the Rice Bowl of Tamil Nadu’ because of its agricultural activities in the delta region of river Cauvery. The temples, culture and architecture ofTanjavurarefamousthroughouttheworld. Itisanhistoricalplace ruled by Chola, Pandya, Nayak, Marathas and was under British rule till Independence. The pursuits of these rulers are reflected in the greatmonumentslikeGrandAnaicut,BigTempleandSerfoji Palace and Saraswathi Mahal Library, etc. in the district.

Population of the district is 2405 thousand numbers as per Census 2011.The population density is 708 persons per district is 35% urbanized and constitutes literacy rate of 82.72%.